Sunday, January 22, 2012

On The Death of Joe Paterno

Somebody asked me about my thoughts on the death of Joe Paterno. Well, I think a friend of mine on Facebook earlier said it best:
Joe Paterno dies at 85, and it would have been better for many raped children if he died earlier than that.
I would have to agree. But I'm sure at his funeral right now plenty of people are praising Joe to the high heavens for his oh-so-important job of standing around telling a bunch of brain-dead jocks what to do with a fucking football. I guarantee it will not be mentioned at his funeral that for one brief moment in his pathetic existence he had the opportunity to do something to save children from being raped by his buddy Jerry Sandusky, but that he barely lifted a finger to do anything about it; just enough to save himself some trouble.

Ah, you see, the integrity of a prestigious University, the glorious career of Joe Paterno, of a sports team who wins trophies for the university, all the dumb ass fans who put their pride and self esteem into a football game has been incredibly inconvenienced by the scandal! How dare I bring this up! How I suggest there is something more important than that! How dare I suggest to football fans that perhaps, just perhaps, the welfare of little children is way more important than your stupid game.

It is sad when anybody dies, sure. The fact that this guy will get more praise for years to come for some stupid college sport than that tragic incident where Joe didn't do a damn thing to prevent something so tragic as children being assaulted. The crime will be but a tiny little scratch on his glorious reputation that people of the future will barely notice. That quite frankly disgusts me. So I hope this answers the question of what I think about his passing. And I hope you don't mind if I shed no tears for Joe Paterno.

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