Friday, January 27, 2012

Quote From a Friend

Yes, I know I've been dropping quotes lately. I promise I'll post something original whenever I feel like it.

If you're omniscient, that means that there is no variation in the universe. The future, as it were, is written, and we are mere marbles rolling down a hill.
If you're omnipotent, that means that nothing is written. The future is entirely subject to your whimsy.
If you're omnipresent, that means that everything is you. The future is a dream in your "head."
Any 5-year old can see the problems with these properties in and of themselves, to say nothing of when they are combined.
It's really like somebody said "hey let's open a portal to the dimension of 'crazy-ass' and put all of our totally nutty shit in there"
James A. Pyrich

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