Saturday, January 19, 2013

Jonathan Gullible: A Free Market Odyssey (Recommended Books)

I highly recommend reading this book. Here's the synopsis from Amazon:

The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible tells the story of a boy who becomes shipwrecked on an unfamiliar island after being swept out to sea in a storm. Having previously lived in a relatively free society, in this new strange land he experiences culture shock as he learns learns of bewildering laws and traditions of the islands inhabitants. The story highlights the absurdities of the laws, the controls imposed on people's lives, and the economic drawbacks of these laws. The laws highlighted are recognizable as common to many countries throughout the world. As the story unfolds, the part individuals in society play in political decision-making and personal responsibility is introduced for discussion. The book is a delight to read! As Jonathan meanders on his way around the Isle of Corrumpo, he meets the Food Police, Uncle Samta, the True Believers, the Grand Inquirer and the Democracy Gang along the way - along with many more wacky inhabitants whose strange ideas and even stranger ways Jonathan is challenged to understand and straighten out. 
You can read it free here from the Bastiat Institute

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