Guidelines & Rules

Etiquette & Expectations
For those who are visiting my blog and do not know me, welcome aboard and I am glad you are enjoying my blog. I do have some things we should get out of the way so we are both clear on this. Follow and understand these general guidelines, which are not legal disclaimers, but are necessary for those whom I personally do not know:

  • Regardless of whether this blog is hosted on, some other site, or my own domain, it is still my blog.
    • Unless you are a co-author of this blog, you are visitor. 
  • I occasionally post articles or other works written by myself on this blog. Unless otherwise stated my work is not copyrighted so you may link to it or quote it on your website/blog/message board/social media website, but do ensure that my work is intact and give proper attribution to it. 
    • If I post things from other people I will try to give proper attribution to your work. If you see a work of yours on my blog that was not attributed to you properly for some reason, do get in contact with me.
  • SPAM of any kind is a serious offense and will result in a ban from my blog and possibly me reporting you to your ISP, whether it is comment spam or if you email me spam through the blog.
  • I reserve the right to block people and delete comments IF I deem them abusive. (I've rarely had to do this). This includes any and all trolling type comments and derogatory, purposeful flaming, personal attacks, off topic replies, spam, trolling, flaming and threats of violence, implied or otherwise.
    • Do not abuse anybody else who is commenting on my blog. 
    • Try to be respectful of me, my blog, and other users when you visit and comment on my blog posts.
    • Any other serious issues you may have with me we can settle privately via email if the comment section discussion was not sufficient.
  • When you leave a comment on my posts you are entirely responsible for what you write. 
  • At some point I may wish to have some advertising, ask for donations for my written work, or advertise other kind of business on my blog for financial gain.
    • At such point if you are offended by somebody getting something for their hard work, leave immediately. 
  • I do occasionally like to use foul language when I am in the mood for it. So hopefully you are mature enough to handle that.
  • Disagreement is quite fine and expected on occasion. Just remember that I will be respectful in my disagreement if you will.
  • I occasionally mention celebrities, politicians and other public figures in a negative fashion. This is only meant as general criticism in my opinion and no way meant for libel or slander.
  • I read EVERY single comment that is posted on my blog, but I am not obligated to respond to you just because you left a comment.
    • Sometimes I am busy and may not have time to drop everything and leave a comment.
    • Sometimes a comment is not necessary (i.e., I might already agree with you, you didn't ask me any question, or nothing else needs to be said). 
    • If you leave rude comments that will guarantee I will not respond.
    • The more likely you frequent the blog and leave great comments the more likely I will respond to you.  
  • Healthy criticism from my dear readers is always appreciated. Feel free to leave comments or shoot an email if you find something I might have done in error.

Visiting my blog is of course entirely voluntary:
  • By visiting and participating in my blog you are agreeing to all of the above. 
  • If you disagree with any of the above you may voluntarily leave or I will boot you should you decide to be abusive about it. 
  • Any of the above is subject to change at my discretion. 
Offsite communication:

Subject line should always read "OTAF" followed by what the nature of your message is. This is just so I know you are coming from the blog and so your message does not accidentally get thrown into the SPAM folder.