Sunday, June 17, 2012

Conversation Between The Philosopher & The Theist II

Theist: The Lord our God can do anything for he is all mighty!

Philosopher: And by this you mean he is all-powerful and thus can do anything?

T: There is nothing you can say that can't be done by God's mighty hand.

P: Fine, make it so that there is a squared-circle.

T: [Draws a rounded square on a chalk board.] Behold!

P: Um, no, that's not a squared-circle. It's a square with rounded edges.

T: Not so skeptic! If the Lord say that this is a squared-circle then it shall be for he is all-powerful!

P: But I didn't ask you to change the meaning of the word 'squared-circle' so that you could apply it to something that is not a squared-circle. I want a genuine square-circle.

[After much thought]

T: It is absurd to ask of the Lord to do something that he would not want to do in the first place. He made squares and he made circles; he did not intend for there to be both one and the same so therefore there isn't.

P: Firstly, I never asked about intentions of such a being; I care not. You originally said, and logically implied, he could do anything so I took you at your word.

T: Being all-powerful doesn't necessarily mean you can do things that are logically impossible.

P: And now you again change the definition of something. You now wish me to think the definition of an all-powerful god is one that can only do things that are logically possible only. Do note that this is not what we mean by all-powerful or omnipotence. If you say omnipotence but then change the definition as such, you are not longer talking about a being that is able to be all-powerful.

Is got natural or supernatural?

P: Supernatural of course because he transcends nature.

P: Beings that exist in the universe, being natural, can also do things that are logically possible and so omnipotence is not possible. If you are telling me this god has power but it is restricted by logic and what is possible in the natural world, such as not being able to create a squared-circle, then god is then no more powerful than we mere mortals, and is not supernatural.

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